What Medication is Best to Cure Chlamydia Infection?


Nowadays most people are getting exposed to various diseases and infections because of improper lifestyle and diet. And most of these infections occurs because of pathogenic attack and they may suffer from mild to complicated symptoms. People around the age of 25 years are commonly facing the bacterial infection of chlamydia, which occurs mostly because of unsafe intercourse practices. The symptoms of this infection will be unusual genital discharge, pain or swelling, and bleeding, and may have severe pain while you pass urination. If you experience any symptoms or doubt that you might get a chlamydia infection, then you must see the specialist immediately to take the swab test. In the test, they will collect your urine samples or vaginal discharge and check for the infection. When you are tested positive for the infection, then the medical advisor will recommend you take chlamydia antibiotics immediately.

The common medications may be any one of the below tablets.

  • Single-dose of Azithromycin
  • Doxycycline has to be taken seven days and twice daily.
  • Ofloxacin as a single dose or two tablets per day for a week.
  • When the women are pregnant, the specialist may prescribe amoxicillin and erythromycin.chlamydia antibiotics

You should consult with the healthcare specialist and go for the medicine as prescribed by them rather than taking it by yourself without proper knowledge and guidance. These antibiotics will cure almost all the symptoms when you take them in the correct dosage and to complete the entire treatment, you must follow the provided healthcare instructions.

When you are on medication, you may experience the symptoms like vaginal thrush, abdominal pain, skin rash, nausea, or diarrhea. For most people, the effects will not be severe, but when you get a severe impact, then you must check with your healthcare provider immediately. And you should not stop your medications before checking with them. If you don’t have side effects or issues, it is not recommended to see the doctor immediately after the medication and you can schedule an appointment after three months to take a swab test to avoid any reinfection.

If an individual has been diagnosed with chlamydia, they must notify all partners with whom they had consensual sex in the preceding 60 days thus they can also get tested and treated as well. There is a danger of transmission of pathogen or reinfection if one person doesn’t really receive medication or complete the entire treatment properly. So, it is vital to have safe intercourse to avoid catching STIs and chlamydia.