First Signs You May be Pregnant


Albeit you can use a pregnancy test kit or have an ultrasound to check if you’re pregnant, there are other signs and symptoms you should watch out to see if you’re already carrying a little one inside your womb. There are several early signs of pregnancy, and it’s not just about a missed period or fatigue.

Soon-to-be mothers who might be expecting their first child will notice the signs of pregnancy to start showing on the date of your last menstrual period. This stage is deemed to be the start of the first week of pregnancy, even though you might not actually be pregnant yet. Even if you’re not experiencing any symptoms during this time, it’ll still count to your 40-week pregnancy. Here are some of the first signs and symptoms that you may soon be a proud mother of a baby boy or girl.

Cramping and Spotting 

Starting from the first week up to the fourth, the changes that appear in your body will be on the cellular level. It starts with the fertilized egg creating a blastocyst (which is a group of cells filled with fluid), and this will develop the infant’s body parts and organs. In approximately day 10 to day 14 during the 4th week of pregnancy, the blastocyst will instill in the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. The result of the process might lead to implantation bleeding, and this phenomenon is easily mistaken for a light period. It’s highly important to avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, or using any illicit drugs during the entire period of pregnancy as it might lead to heavy bleeding and birth defects.

Missing Periods 

Once there is an established implantation, the body will start producing a substance known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone will assist the body in maintaining pregnancy, and it’ll also tell the ovaries to stop releasing mature eggs on a monthly basis. It’s most likely that you’ll miss your period during or after the 4th week of conception. If you’ve been having an irregular period, then you might want to take a pregnancy test just to affirm the situation. If the results are positive, immediately call your midwife or doctor to set your first prenatal appointment.


Fatigue can set at anytime during pregnancy. The feeling of exhaustion is one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy because the body’s progesterone levels will soar. In turn, it’ll make you feel sleepy, even if you might not be doing much for the day. As such, it’s essential to take the extra effort to get as much sleep as possible. A good way to assure better sleeping patterns is to keep the bedroom cool because the body’s temperature levels might be elevated during the early stages of pregnancy.

Changes to Breasts 

Some breast changes may occur anytime between the fourth and sixth week of early pregnancy. You’re most likely to develop swollen and tender breasts because of hormonal changes. The tingling, growing, and aching sensation would most likely go away after a few weeks because by then the body would have adjusted to the changes.

Other signs and symptoms related to early pregnancy include the following: weight gain, food aversions, smell sensitivity, heartburn, and acne breakouts. Many of the symptoms would dwindle once you enter your second trimester.