Are Dental Veneers Suitable for You?


If you are looking for straight white teeth that can bring you a perfect smile, there is just one way: dental veneers. This is a new and popular method in cosmetic dentistry that is used worldwide. There are many positive points about this method. However, there are some negative points and limitations that you should better know them. Of course, when you go to a dentist’s office, he probably explains the most important pros and cons of this cosmetic dental treatment. But, to have a better point of view, today, an expert performing the most successful and satisfying dental veneers in North York is with us to talk about this dental treatment. 


The most popular and significant part of dental veneer is that you are suffering from no matter what dental defects. If you are looking to have the most attractive set of white pearly teeth, want to have uniform teeth, or want to hide problems related to your teeth, this cosmetic dental method is definitely your best answer. That is why most of dental professionals claim that dental veneer is the golden part of dentistry. In other words, when you decide to undergo this dental treatment, you will come back home with the most beautiful teeth and the most dazzling smile ever. In this way, undoubtedly people will react to you soon, and you will have an efficient impression, especially at the first meetings. In other words, your smile will cost a million dollars.

Some people believe that since this cosmetic dental treatment is a method that covers so many dental defects, it is just for rich and famous people. But, this is not a proper idea. Nowadays, anyone can have a perfect appearance. And if you think that you cannot afford it, you can consult your dental specialist about their various dental options.

Another positive point is that it is not needed to be worried about replacing it soon. If you follow the related and suggested instructions and take care of your veneers properly, they can last 15 years or more.

It will probably make you satisfied knowing that this dental method is strong and resistant to stains. It means their color will not change easily. But, you should also be careful about anything you eat and drink and if you are worried that your teeth color’s change, it is a good idea to talk with your dentist to provide a list of anything you are allowed to eat and you are forbidden.


If there are many dental decays and fractures, or if your teeth are too crowded, you are not a good candidate to have this cosmetic dental treatment.

It should be noted that teeth whitening does not change the color of veneers, so if you want to have teeth bleaching treatment, it is better to choose a shade and color that matches your veneers with other teeth.

As mentioned above, this cosmetic dental method may be expensive, and some people may not be able to afford it.