Practical Treatments Offered by Emergency Dentists to Treat Broken Jaw


A broken jaw is one of the most life-threatening dental issues that require instant attention. Several unexpected reasons can lead to this painful dental condition, like an accident or severe sports injuries. Those suffering from this dental problem should seek emergency dental care as soon as possible to preserve their oral health. Based on the research done by professional dental specialists at an advanced dental clinic in Coal Harbour, those in their twenties are more susceptible to experiencing broken jaw because young people are more interested in sports. This article will provide you with the essential symptoms of a broken jaw, all available methods to treat it, and beneficial ways to speed up recovery. Please join us to learn all the practical information in this regard.

Common Signs of a Broken Jaw

Common Signs of a Broken Jaw

Once you’ve received a severe blow to your mouth during car accidents or contact sports and you are concerned about a fractured jaw bone, you should accurately evaluate your condition to see if you have the following symptoms:

-Experiencing extensive pain in your face and head

-Suffering from knocked-out teeth that cause sharp pain, bleeding and swelling

-Suffering from numbness in your cheek, chin and lips caused by nerve damages

-Experiencing bruises under your tongue

Don’t hesitate to make an urgent appointment to see professionally-trained emergency dentists; otherwise, several risks threaten your overall health and well-being.

All Available Urgent Treatments to Solve a Broken Jaw

A broken jaw should be fixed as an emergency because it can negatively impact your breathing. All dental professionals qualified as emergency dentists should use the latest tools to ensure your airway remains open until the treatment is done. As soon as the patients step into the emergency dental clinics, the dedicated emergency dentists will perform a thorough examination to determine the severity of their conditions because the treatments will vary depending on the severity of the injuries. For example, your minor fractures will be easily fixed by wrapping bandages around your head, while your highly-skilled urgent care providers should wire your jaw shut to treat your severely fractured jaw bones. Generally, the patients should wear these wires for at least six weeks to achieve successful results. During this time, your emergency dentists will advise you to make significant changes in your routine diets. Liquid and soft food are the ideal options to speed up your recovery. Besides, people have been prescribed over-the-counter medication and some antibiotics to avoid pain and dental infection.

Broken jawbones VS. Dislocated Jawbones  

The essential point that should be considered is that having pain in the face and jaw is not always a sign of broken jaw bones. In some cases, it will be a result of a dislocated jaw. Although distinguishing a fractured and a dislocated jaw is fairly challenging, some specific symptoms are experienced when your jaw is dislocated:

-You cannot move your jaw simply

-You are unable to close your mouth

-your upper and lower teeth don’t meet each other correctly

-You have a lot of pain in your face, head and even your neck


Since fractured jaw bones can lead to long-lasting issues and require complicated treatments, we must take possible precautions to avoid this severe problem. For example, wearing a seatbelt can effectively prevent sharp hits to your face during car accidents.